I actually wrote this a while ago, but I wanted to post something else, and the entry that I am working on still isn't finished. So, here it is... I am not sure if it's finished, and I don't know what it's called yet... (and this isn't exactly how it looks either, but since I copy and pasted it, the font doesn't carry over, and outside of re-typing it, I can't figure out how to get it back to it's original font... So, the font doesn't match the words quite; just look past that...)~
I dream of ice; and of cold waters that reflect the blue skies.
Of a land where ice floes dominate the seascape
and the sky is open and the sun warm and the wind cold.
Of deep, deep water, that is mirror bright on top
but dark, green-blue curtains underneath, clouded with glacial runoff
I dream of spots, and strong sharp teeth; of hunting through the ice ranges
splicing through the water, and of penguins.
Of a thick warm layer of blubber, and strong flippers,
and dark blue depths beneath me
Shadows dream there too,
moving with spots of white, and sharper teeth as well
and dark songs pinging off the ice bubbles,
but I dream it anyways, for the swift and cunning live long.
I dream of a rocking cradle of ice to nap on
and body warmth melting small pools beneath; of lapping waves.
Of pale sun, faded sky, and pitch black with stars and color dance above
The ice is calling, and I want to answer.
I dream of ice…
I dream of ice…
I dream of…