Tuesday, August 31, 2010

I found this one in one of my writing folders on my computer... Doesn't have a title or anything yet...

Save me, set me free.
There’s a fire that burns inside, set it free,
release, save me, set me free.

Words aren’t enough, I need to scream it out,
pleading, screaming, set me free

Cut the binds that hold me, that keep me silent, keep

me hiding, keep me still
please, please set me free, loose me to be the one I

want to be…
the one I was made to be….

1 comment:

  1. "It was a pleasure to burn...", this was the first thought that came to my mind when I read this. With you knowing how much I like that book, you know this is a compliment. My connection to this poem is strong, I feel very much the same. Fire is very symbolic in many ways. Refreshingly, yours is not about destruction but a burning desire, fueled by fire powering your liberation machine. Seemingly bursting at the seams, needing only but just a poke to initiate a chain reaction.
    These are my thoughts and reactions...
    -Little Brother
