Monday, August 16, 2010


And when the world shatters
she wraps herself in a song,
cocooned in the music and
held in its’ anchor.

And when the shards cut deep
she rocks in its’ rhythms,
swelled on waves
of heartbeats and sound

This pain might be too big for her, but truth-melodies
will hold her heart together once more

And when she loses who she is
the tones will remind her
and keep her whole,
cherishing her in their embrace.

And when the numbness comes
it will be held at bay,
unable to penetrate
this wall of sound;

Such pain that feels too big for her, her heart
is splintered, broken.

So when the world shatters
and the shards cut deep;
when she loses herself and the numbness comes,

When this pain is too big…

She wraps herself in a song.